Alternative Resources

By Natalie Phillips

    With today’s ever growing cities, societies are trying to find newer and more earth friendly ways to expand their cities. With a combination of dwindling resources and an expanding population, the need for more earth friendly alternatives is in high demand. However, not everyone is aware of their states alternatives resources. Due to the different climates and environments of each state, each place has its own set of resources for alternatives in urban development.

Solar Energy

Probably the most well-known natural resource available in Arizona is solar power. With a nickname like the “sun state” it is no surprise that Arizona has the highest potential for solar energy with over 4,000 hours of sun each year (ArizonaSolarCenter). According to Greg Wold, Duke Energy President, [Solar energy] expands our footprint in the western United States and helps a premier Arizona energy service provider deliver affordable, zero-emission renewable power to its customers. Comprised of more than 40,000 solar panels, the Black Mountain Project is expected to produce enough electricity to power 2,000 homes (Investment Weekly News, 2011)". Duke Energy Renewables is a part of the SOLON Corporation, the largest solar power plant developers in the United States. Solar energy projects have been controversial; however, they are moving rapidly into Arizona territory. Duke Energy's Black Mountain Project invested $2.5 billion in Arizona's natural solar availability (Investment Weekly News, 2012). Energy conservation and renewable resources are in the center of political debate. Currently there are several different ways to harness solar power. The most well-known one, that is also slowly gaining power, is the installation of solar panels on residential and business buildings to help heat and cool the building. Because of the money saving potentials and green effect, it is becoming more and more common. In addition, solar cooking is also staring to become more popular. More specifically solar ovens are used in residential and educational settings (such as schools, who use it to teach solar science). In addition, solar energy is also becoming popular in areas where construction lines are too expensive and, in some cases, impractical. This helps give power to areas that otherwise wouldn’t be able to get power. This can help expand urbanization to places that would originally have been impossible.


Investment Weekly News (2012).  Duke Energy; Duke Energy Renewables Acquires Arizona Solar Farm from SOLON Corporation. Retrieved from



Earthbuilding Alternatives

    For thousands of years people built their homes from materials that are available on site, which usually consisted of molding the mud into various bricks, cast earth and straw. When the land became more urbanized, and the moving of materials became much easier across states, these methods became less popular due to the fact of easier erosion and poor insulation of the mud and straw. However, because of the earth friendly and cheaper building supplies, these techniques for building houses is slowly becoming more popular, especially for those that like to build the house themselves. Though the houses themselves do not have great insulation and can erode easily in extreme weather, they are fairly easy to fix and are highly fire resistant, which is an important feature in the desert. In addition, they are made with chemical-free materials, which make them safer for those living in the building. Thought they may require constant attention, the materials re much more renewable, safer and cheaper than modern building techniques.


More information at Coconino Green Business Program.


    Though there are some urban development alternatives that are more beneficial for some states, there are some alternatives that anyone, anywhere can do. One alternative is to use more renewable resources when building your home. One popular alternative is to use bamboo flooring and cabinets in the floor. Because it can take as little as five years for bamboo to mature (versus the twenty years of most hardwoods) it is a lot more renewable and is made from natural vegetation. Though there are some drawbacks to the flooring, it is still considered an ecofriendly product. For more information visit and search for bamboo flooring. 

Not everyone can afford to be the most ecofriendly in today’s urbanized world but doing even the little things can help the environment. Examples include recycling more of the trash that goes through the home, making sure to turn off appliances and lights when leaving a room or home. In addition watching the amount of water the house uses in a daily bases is also a good way to make sure resources are not wasted. Each of these can help, even just a little, in improving the environment.



This site is an ongoing project of Dr. Perla A. Vargas and her students in Environmental Psychology at New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University, AY 2013-2014.


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