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What do you mean when you say "Homeless"?


When we talk about what it means to be without a home, it can mean many different things.


1. Physical and psychological - not having a physical shelter or having a safe place that is considered "home".

2. A person who is unable to adequately provide for themselves/their family

3. An individual without permanent housing who may live on the streets; stay in a shelter, mission, single room occupancy facilities, abandoned building or vehicle; or in any other unstable or non-permanent situation. [Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C., 254b)]

Stages of Homelessness


1. Loss of support from family

2. Loss of support and care from friends

3. Loss of support from community (social benefits which come from having an address)

Authors: Jessica Alvarez & Jennifer Abeyta


This site is an ongoing project of Dr. Perla A. Vargas and her students in Environmental Psychology at New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University, AY 2013-2014.


© 2013-2014 Please give credit to authors when citing. The viewpoints expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of ASU.

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